APIが混雑している際に再取得するdef fetch_url(url):を追加
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import pandas as pd import plotly.offline as pyo import plotly.graph_objs as go import urllib.request from time import sleep from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta import ssl ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context #パラメーターの作成 #trade data type C Commodities S Services datatype = "type=C" #china=156,UK=826,US=842,jp=392or all reporting_area = "&r=842" #Annual=A,Monthly=M frequency = "&freq=M" #YYYY or YYYYMM or now or recent time_period = "&ps=201201" # Harmonized System (HS) classification = "&px=H4" #china=156,UK=826,US=842,or all partner_area = "&p=all" # 1 (imports) and 2 (exports), import_or_export = "&rg=1" #HS CODE classification_code = "&cc=610910" #csv or json fmt = "&fmt=csv" #取得する相手国の数 amount_country = 6 #取得期間(年or月) term=72 # term = 72 #一番古いデータの年月(更新あり) oldest = "201201" url = ("https://comtrade.un.org/api/get?"+datatype + reporting_area+frequency+time_period+classification+partner_area+ import_or_export+classification_code+fmt) #csvをdfに入れる res = urllib.request.urlopen(url) df = pd.read_csv(res) #最新年を取得 newest = (df["Period"].max()) #最新年のデータのみを取得 df_n = df[df["Period"] == newest] #valueが高い順に並べ替え df_s = df_n.sort_values('Trade Value (US$)', ascending=False) #上位10件を取得してリスト化 partner = [] for var in range(1, amount_country): partner.append(df_s.iat[var, 12]) #ここに過去の日付のcsvを追加するコードを入れる def get_oldtime(tdatetime): tdatetime = datetime.strptime(str(oldest),"%Y%m") tdatetime =(tdatetime + relativedelta(months=1)) return tdatetime.strftime('%Y%m') #一か月ごとのパラメータを生成 def add_old(old): addurl = ("https://comtrade.un.org/api/get?"+datatype + reporting_area+frequency+old+classification+partner_area+ import_or_export+classification_code+fmt) sleep(2) return addurl #APIが混雑している際に再取得する def fetch_url(url): max_times=10 sleep_sec=5 retry_count = 0 while True: f = urllib.request.urlopen(url) try: retry_count += 1 if f.getcode() == 200 or retry_count >= max_times: # 200が返ってくるか、最大試行回数に到達した場合ループを抜ける return f break time.sleep(sleep_sec) except ValueError: print("Oops! That was no valid number. Try again...") for i in range(1,term): oldest = get_oldtime(oldest) time_period = "&ps=" + str(oldest) added_url = add_old(time_period) added_res = fetch_url(added_url) print(added_res.getcode()) added_df = pd.read_csv(added_res) df = pd.concat([df,added_df]) print(oldest) data = [] for i in partner: df2 = df[df["Partner"] == i] trace = go.Scatter(x=df2["Period Desc."], y=df2["Trade Value (US$)"], mode = 'lines', name = i) data.append(trace) layout = go.Layout( title="アメリカが輸入するTシャツ等HS6109.10該当貨物" ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) pyo.plot(fig,filename="ustshirt.html") |